The Cake Slice History

The Cake Slice was originally created in 2008 by Katie from "Apple & Spice"and Gigi, two friends, who, following their passion for baking, thought about starting a group for many others who enjoy baking as much as they do. The first book picked to bake from was: Sky High - by Alicia Huntsman, Peter Wynne and Tina Rupp, it was a great beginning with a bright future!

Later on, due to personal circumstances, Gigi could no longer continue in the leadership of the group, leaving Katie in charge of everything! Katie, continued working hard behind the scenes and organizing it all to provide a great experience for the members of the group, adding new members, choosing books and great recipes from them and a lot more, she kept the Cake Slice running for 4 years. This group wouldn't be "The Baking Group" if it wasn't for all her work and dedication.

A little more about Katie (using her very own words) :  "I am passionate about all things foodie. My first memory that I attribute to introducing me to my love for cooking is helping my grandma make jam tarts with left over pastry when I was four. Since then my love of cooking has grown. My particular passion is baking, especially if it involves apple or cinnamon! I studied food at university and have a 2:1 BSc Hons in Food and Nutrition."

But life changes and due to work and other commitments, Katie had to choose another member from the group to host The Cake Slice Bakers, and  Paloma from "The Coffee Shop",  took over in 2012 . After a few years Paloma also had to choose another leader to lead the group.

Thank you for being part of "The Cake Slice" ... Let's continue to write the history of this group together!

Happy Baking!